Running .Py files in Windows
This blog is meant to act as a programming diary and solutions to the problems that I encountered while learning . I hope that this blogs provides help to my fellow programmers, too. Currently trying to learn Python and improve my programming skills as well. I'm following Google Code Python classes for this purpose. While trying to run .Py files in Windows using Git Bash, I encountered the following error - sh.exe": python: no such command. To resole this problem, I did what I always do that is I googled it. And I found the following solution which I will now share with you all. As per the solution I found, courtesy of, this error means Git Bash does not know where your python.exe is. It searches your normal windows search path, the PATH environment variable. You're probably failing the 4th step on the instructions already "Make sure Python is working in the Git Bash": $ python -- version sh . exe : python : command not found To ...