Living with the Wild Penguin, Linux - The First Step

My search for a Linux began a long time ago. But most flavors of Linux that I experimented with were either unstable or threatened to turn my laptop into an oven. The main reason behind these issues were my laptop's switchable graphic cards,unavailability of suitable open-source/propriety drivers and their graphic-intensive nature. 

After a long search for a light-weight and less graphic-intensive Linux, the answer to my problem came from none other than the Father of Linux - Linus Torvalds. And the answer was XFCE. I decided place my bets on Xubuntu 12.10, since it has the stability of XFCE and Ubuntu's rich repository as we.ll as large support community. 

While installing, Xubuntu  also seemed to overheat my laptop. But after a bit of googling, I was finally able to resolve the overheating issue by following the steps given below:

1. Open the rc.local file as the root user.
        sudo vi /etc/rc.local

2. Now, copy and paste the following two lines just before the line exit 0.

                 chown -R $USER:$USER /sys/kernel/debug
        echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch

The first line will make /sys/kernel/debug writable by the current user (who is executing the script, not you). The second line will turn off the high performance GPU.

3. Now, reboot your system and install the necessary updates.

This is me signing off with hope that other users like me, too will now be able to enjoy this wild penguin.



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